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Norway Meetings

Norway Content

Conference Series  serves scientific fraternity with its highly valued 700+ Open Access Journals. Qualified team of 50,000 Editors and reviewers ensures the quality and quick editorial review process with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of manuscript submission.

Conference Series organizes more than 3000+ Global Events annually across the globe with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations in various disciplines gathering renowned scientists and business professionals. Highly illustrative and interactive keynote, plenary and poster presentations, exhibitions, symposia, workshops, comprehensive panel discussions make Conference Series conferences a perfect platform for Global Networking.

Conference Series  organizes conferences in the field of clinical medicine like Medical Conferences to provide a good platform for the Scientists and Research Professionals to Participate and discuss their achievements and upcoming challenges in Medicine. Conference Series  Invites Doctors and Researchers from all the fields of Medicine like Cardiology, Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Pediatrics  Dental Conferences are the place for the Dentist from all the branches of Dentistry like Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, Community Dentistry, and Pedodontics  to participate and discuss research and development in the field of Dentistry. Conference Series  organizes Cancer Conferences to provide a good platform for all the Doctors and Researchers in all the specialties of Oncology like Radiology, Anatomic Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Pediatric Oncology to share, and discuss recent advancements in Cancer Treatment.

Conference Series  organizes Diabetic Conferences to provide scope for all the Specialists, Diabetologist and Scientists Researchers, to learn and share Diabetes, Management of the disease, Methods of prevention, precautions to be taken about Diabetes. To assemble people from all the sectors of Pharmacy, Conference Series  Conducts Pharma Conferences inviting people from all the sectors of Pharmacology like Clinical Pharmacology, Neuro Pharmacology, Psycho Pharmacology, Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacognosy around the globe every year. Nurses in all the field of Psychiatry, Critical care, Cancer, Mid-wifery, and emergency Nursing are assured to have good learning in Nursing Conferences . With emerging pressure and Hectic life styles Neuro Science emerged as a most demanding branch of Medicine and Neuro Conferences organized by Conference Series provide good opportunity for all the all the Doctors and Researches in Neurology and its specialties like Brain injury Medicine, Clinical Neuro Psychology, Epilepsy and Palliative Medicine, Vascular Neurology,  Behavioral neurology, and Child Neurology

Conference Series also conducts conferences in field of health care and Technology like Immunology Conferences offering valuable opportunity to the Doctors, Scientific researchers, representatives, from all the branches of Immunology like Cancer Immunology, ImmunoPhysics, Immunotoxicology, Immunogenetics, Eco Immunology, and  from Industry Research for further Knowledge. Microbiology conferences are organized to discuss the diseases, case reports, and preventive methods related to all the branches of Microbiology like Phycology, Mycology, Virology, Protozoology, Bacteriology, Medical Microbiology, Agriculture Microbiology Biotechnology, and Immunology. Physics Conferences anticipate participants from all the disciplines of Physics like Astrophysics, biophysics, Chemical Physics, Eco physics, Geo Physics and Medical Physics to share and discuss recent advancements.  Material science Conferences deals with the study of materials which are composite to be understood. Conference Series  provide good platform for the people in Material Sciences. Conference Series  also takes pride in organizing conference in the field of Agriculture, Food Technology and Aqua Culture. Agri, Aqua and Food Conferences are a meet for all the people in Agricultural Engineering, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture, Genetic Engineering, Food and Environmental Sciences to share and discuss breaking innovations and implementations in Industry.

Norway Conferences | Norway Highlights:

Education in Norway is under the control of Norwegian Ministry of Health and Education.Higher education in Norway is offered by a range of eight universities, nine specialized universities, 24 university colleges as well as a range of private university colleges. University colleges in Norway include Norwegian college of Agriculture, Stavanger University College, Agder University College .Public Universities in Norway Include Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Agder, University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Nordland, University of Stavanger, University of Tromso.

Norway Conferences | Education and Research:

The Norway comprises a wide range of institutions which vary in terms of scientific orientation, tasks, funding and historical back ground forms; Research sector encompasses a total of over 200 institutions of which 70 have R&D as their primary area of activity. Primary industry Institutes, Environmental Institutes, Social Science Institutes, Technical –Industrial Institute receive funding from the government. Some of the National Research Institutes in Norway include Agder Research, International Research Institute of Stavanger, Nordland Research Institute, Northern Research Institute Alta, Northern Research Institute Tromso, Telemark Research Institute, Ostfold Research Institute, and Eastern Norway Research Institute. The four Regional Health Authorities are: Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, Central Norway Regional Health Authority Western Norway Regional Health Authority, and Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. Major medical associations in Norway include Norwegian Medical Association, Norwegian Medical Society, and Norwegian society of Pediatricians.

Norway Conferences | Economy:

Norway is considered to be one of the most developed democracies and state of justice in the world. Norway has been classified as the world’s most democratic country by the democratic index. Because of its high latitude Norway experience large seasonal variations in day light.  Norway ranks as the second-wealthiest country in the world in monetary value, with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. The country has the fourth-highest per capita income in the world on the World Bank. Based on continued oil and gas exports, coupled with a healthy economy and substantial accumulated wealth, Norway is expected to continue as among the richest countries in the world in the foreseeable future. The OECD ranks Norway fourth in the 2013 equalized Better Life Index and third in intergenerational earnings elasticity. Norway has rich natural resources like Petroleum, Hydro power, fish, forest and Minerals, Norway is also known for fishing, skiing and mining.

Norway Conferences | Tourist Attraction in Norway

Atlantic Ocean Road
Flåm Line
Fredrikstad Fortress, Old Town of Fredrikstad
Hadeland Glassverk
Holmenkollbakken and Ski Museum
Hunderfossen Familiepark
Kristiansand Zoo and Amusement Park
Viking Ship Museum

Norway Conferences | Universities in Norway

Ålesund University College
Bergen National Academy of the Arts
Bergen University College
BI Norwegian Business School
Buskerud and Vestfold University College
Diakonhjemmet University College
Gjøvik University College
Harstad University College
Hedmark University College
Lillehammer University College
MF Norwegian School of Theology
Molde University College
Narvik University College
Nesna University College
NLA University College
Nord-Trøndelag University College
Noroff University College
Norwegian Academy of Music
Norwegian Air Force Academy
Norwegian Defence School of Engineering
Norwegian Military Academy
Norwegian Naval Academy
Norwegian Police University College
Norwegian School of Economics
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Oslo and Akershus University College
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Østfold University College
Sámi University College
School of Mission and Theology
Sogn og Fjordane University College
Sør-Trøndelag University College
Stord/Haugesund University College
Telemark University College
University of Agder
University of Bergen
University of Nordland
University of Oslo
University of Stavanger
University of Tromsø
Volda University College

Norway Conferences | Biotech Companies in Norway

Bionor Labs 
Biotec Pharmacon 
Genetic Analysis 
Invitrogen (Thermo Fisher) 
PCI Biotech 

Norway Conferences | Research Institues in Norway

Aasen Bomb
Aasen mortar
Birkeland–Eyde process
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics
Centre for Development and the Environment
Centre for Renewable Energy
Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Chr. Michelsen Institute
Fafo Foundation
Hessdalen AMS
Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture
Institute for Energy Technology
Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration
Institute of Transport Economics
International Centre for Geohazards
Nansen Institute
National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention
National Institute for Consumer Research
Nordland Research Institute
Northern Research Institute
Norway lunar sample displays
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture
Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research
Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Norwegian Food Research Institute
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research
Norwegian Institute for Crop Research
Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
Norwegian Institute for Social Research
Norwegian Institute for Strategic Studies
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Norwegian Institute of Local History
Norwegian Nobel Institute
Norwegian Polar Institute
Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities
Norwegian School of Information Technology
Norwegian Scientific Index
Norwegian Social Research
Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine
Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists
Norwegian units of measurement
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Paper and Fibre Research Institute
Peace Research Institute Oslo
Postage meter
Research Council of Norway
Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Runde Environmental Centre
Runde Environmental Centre
Scandinavian mile
Scandinavian Scientist Conference
Science Park Zakynthos
The Choice Lab
Ugelstad Laboratory
Vista Analysis
Western Norway Research Institute
Work Research Institute


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